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About Lawrence Solomon
Lawrence Solomon is a Canadian author and columnist on energy, health and environmental issues. His book, The Conserver Solution (Doubleday), which popularized the Conserver Society concept in the late 1970s, became the manual for those interested in incorporating environmental factors into economic life. He was an advisor to President Carter’s Task Force on the Global Environment (the Global 2000 Report) in the late 1970s, and at the forefront of movements to privatize and deregulate energy systems, reform foreign aid, and convert free roads to toll roads. The Deniers, his 2008 book exposing the global warming fraud, became the #1 environmental best seller in both Canada and the U.S. and deemed one of the “10 Books That Drive The Debate” by the US National Chamber of Commerce.
He has been a columnist for the National Post (Toronto), Globe and Mail (Toronto), a syndicated columnist, a contributor to the Wall Street Journal, and the editor and publisher of the award-winning The Next City magazine. He is author or co-author of seven books, including Energy Shock (Doubleday), In the Name of Progress (Doubleday), Breaking Up Ontario Hydro’s Monopoly (Energy Probe), Power at What Cost (Doubleday), and Toronto Sprawls (University of Toronto Press).
Mr. Solomon’s 1982 model for electricity reform was endorsed by the leaders of Ontario’s three major parties and adopted by the Thatcher government in the UK in 1989, leading to the demise of uneconomic power plants in the UK and its adoption of high-efficiency natural gas technologies.
The Ontario Conservatives under Mike Harris incorporated his electricity reforms in their Common Sense Revolution. His recommendations in the late 1980s and early 1990s for reforms in Ontario’s natural gas sector contributed to an industry restructuring that yielded both economic and environmental benefits. His 1996 model for the dynamic tolling of roads via satellite is being implemented in the island state of Singapore and is in use in various jurisdictions in the U.S.
Mr. Solomon is a founder and managing director of Energy Probe Research Foundation. He also helped found the World Rainforest Movement, Friends of the Earth Canada, and Lake Ontario Waterkeepers.
He can be reached at LS@lawrencesolomon.ca.